Summer 11 Plus Workshop

Course Content


The course delves into mathematics a bit further and covers more key topics. Children will have to recall things they have already learnt and complete examples. Children are expected to spend approximately seven minutes on each topic and for those who work quickly, extension sections are provided. Maths work is mainly based on ‘revision databank’ questions which help children focus their maths skills on exam-style questions.


Work is set depending on what tests the child is due to take. Work will then comprise of exercises in comprehension, punctuation and vocabulary or creative writing skills including content planning, paragraphing and punctuation. This course is ideal for those sitting private school English examinations, as essay techniques and exam techniques are dealt with, which boosts the student’s fluency in writing.

Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning

Reasoning work is based on exercises that are taken from all parts of the syllabus. Harder questions are also used, to help those sitting private school examinations.

Exam Technique

This crucial element of the exams is taught to fully prepare children and additionally, we discuss with them the different aspects of planning for the 11+.

Working with past papers

For children who are joining us for our summer holiday course, time is spent working on past exam papers. Maths, English, and Reasoning are all practised to the maximum capacity of the pupils at this stage, so that they are ready to sit the exam. Mock examinations are set in both subjects, and the tests are reviewed, so we can work with them to go over any areas of concern. This course equips the students for the final stage of 11+ examination preparation. People who are interested in this course can register using the enclosed form.

Date: Starting on  24th July 2023 to 28th July 2023.
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Venue: Orbital Community Centre, Haines Way, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 7QU.
Fees : Full course Fee is £200   (£40 per day x 5 days)  This should be paid in advance.

Summer 11 plus workshop Registration Form



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